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Problem with Update PCB
1071 1
dbrouwer 3 years ago
Often, when I add or change a component in the schematic, and then I Update PCB, the net name or names get changed, the traces and vias Net names get changed, but the pads keep their old names. This then requires me to go through the entire PCB and change all the trace and via Net names back to what they were. This has created a fair bit of work for me over several projects, but I have always managed to get it sorted out. Until now. I added a jumper header to an existing Net. I then fixed the changed Net names of the traces and vias, and got  DRC to be happy once again. But now, If I do an Update PCB, it wants to change a bunch of trace and via Net names again, even though if I highlight the Net in the schematic, it only amounts to a one-to-one connection. I added H3 in the middle of a circuit. That created the Net R2_2. ![R2_2.png](// Here is R2_2 after fixing all the messed up trace and via Net names, but before I Update PCB: ![R2_2 Before.png](// And here's R2_2 after I do an Update PCB: ![R2_2 After.png](// Now I can't figure out how to fix it. I'd like help getting this fixed, but I'd also like to learn how to add or change components without messing up the Net names of my traces and vias.
UserSupport 3 years ago
You can remove the track first which is connect with your part before Update to PCB. it is because of the Update the PAD's net, and it will find out which tracks and vias connected with it, and then update them net too.  That is for solve the schematic change nets and update to PCB , the PCB track can't update the net issue. it can't solve all situation. then you can remove some tracks first to disconnet the pad.
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