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Problem with export topSolderMaskLayer
1152 4
erma4ok69 6 years ago
Hi! I have my PCB and than i try to export to PDF top solder mask layer and top paste mask layer they don't export) I  changed to english language and there is no results. I also tried with assembly drawing but also no results. Can i solve the problem? I really need it Thank you!
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
I have problems with export as well, I have drawn extra assembling helping guides using traces on the assembly layer but cannot export this to pdf. Why ?
Markus_ee 4 years ago
Works for me though :-) ![image.png](// ![image.png](// I assume you need to use default color palette to make this work without problems?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@maximumiq, Make sure Top Assembly layer is added to your PCB and enabled in the Export to PDF dialogue box: [![image.png](//](<br> <br> and export to separate layers then unzip the download.
mrtom528 4 years ago
@maximumiq, One way round this is to use the 'GerbV' (v2.6A) gerber viewer. _ Create the gerber files from the project. Load the gerber files into the viewer. Uncheck the visibility of everything you do not want to include in the pdf. Use File > Export and select 'PDF...' You need to select a location and type in a filename INCLUDING the 'pdf' extension, oddly it does not get added automatically. _ Before exporting You may want to change the colour of the layer and / or the background for clarity. The layer can be changed by clicking the small colour swatch in the layer itself. The background can be changed using View > Change background color _ Regards.
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