You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Problem with placing OP amp
797 12
tubes3000 10 months ago
Since the update the placing of double or quad opamps does not work as before. The program does not set the right designators so instead of U2.1 and U2.2 it sets U2.1 and U3.1 which leads to the placing of two footprits on the PCB. I tried my own library parts that worked before and direct parts from LCSC library, both the same issue. HELP PLEASE!
andyfierman 10 months ago
Please post some screenshots to illustrate this behaviour using parts from the EasyEDA library as well as your own symbols. Please also then change the Category of this topic to Bug Report.
tubes3000 10 months ago
@andyfierman  Changed the topic and here is a picture. ![bug.png](//
andyfierman 10 months ago
@tubes3000, Works OK for me in Linux with the web based version using Chromium and in the Desktop Client: ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
tubes3000 10 months ago
Hm strange. Is there a setting somewhere for subparts? Otherwise i try a fresh install.
andyfierman 10 months ago
Hmmmm. Are you selecting the parts and sub-parts from the SHIFT+F Library Search like this? ![image.png](//
tubes3000 10 months ago
No, just the regular library. I have to of course search for the part when using LCSC.
tubes3000 10 months ago
Just did a fresh install of the desktop client, the problem remains. It also affects older parts that i created and worked before. I look if i have a previous setup version somewhere and check if it is indeed an update problem.
andyfierman 10 months ago
@tubes3000, Not sure I  understand what you mean. My screenshots are all of symbols placed from the SHIFT+F Library Search. I  would think of this as the "regular" library. If you're not getting them from the SHIFT+F Library Search, where are you finding and placing them from?
tubes3000 10 months ago
I have buttons on the left screen. Project/Common Library/Library etc. See the attached picture. I have never used SHIFT+F before. I have Version 6.5.15 on my Laptop and there it works like it used to be. ![Library.png](//
tubes3000 10 months ago
Ah yup it's the same of course. I pressed Ctrl+F and wondered that it is a different window. Anyway the problem remains.
tubes3000 10 months ago
So i just downloaded 6.5.32 and it works again as intended. Luckily the version was still on the servers. I don't know where the bug is but to me it seems like a version problem. Thanks for the help Andy. For know i stay with 6.5.32.
andyfierman 10 months ago
Shift+F opens the same Library window as the Library button in the left panel.
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