Concise problem statement:
Running a TL081EE simulation with a pasted-in edited copy of the TL081EE subckt is broken.
Pasting in and editing a copy of the TL081EE and other in-house opamp or comparator subckts used to work.
Please see:
Steps to reproduce the problem.
1) Draw a schematic with the 5 pin Opamp and change the part name to TL081EE;
2) Copy the subckt for the TL081EE from the netlist for this schematic;
3) Paste it into this schematic;
4) Change the name of the subckt to make it different from TL081EE;
5) Paste in a copy of the LM108 netlist from:
and set it to "spice";
6) With the pasted-in TL081EE_edited subckt set as "comment", do:
Ctrl+R then select "Transient" then click "Run" to run a time domain simulation.
The sim runs OK.
7) With the pasted-in TL081EE_edited subckt netlist on the right set as "spice", do:
Ctrl+R then select "Transient" then click "Run" to run a time domain simulation.
The sim does not run and the simulation results window shows:
Circuit: untitled
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000
doAnalyses: out of memory
tran simulation(s) aborted
ngspice-26 done
Super Menu > Miscellaneous > Netlist for Document > Spice...
shows and empty netlist:
New Schematic
.param pi = 3.141593
.func LIMIT(x, y, z) {min(max(x, min(y, z)), max(z, y))}
.func PWR(x,a) {(MAX(ABS(x), 1e-313))**a}
.func PWRS(x,a) {sgn(x) * PWR(x,a)}
.func stp(x) {u(x)}
.func log10(x) {ln(x)/ln(10)}
.func SQRT(x) {(MAX(x, 1e-313))**0.5}
.func INT(x) {sgn(x)*floor(ABS(x))}
.func URAMP(x) {max(x,0)}
.func POW(x,a)
+ {(((a-(int(a)))==0)||(sgn(x)>=0))*( max(exp(ln(uramp(x))*a),0) +
+ (2*(0.5-ABS((int(a))-2*int(a/2))))*max(exp(ln(uramp(-1*x))*a),0) )}
The LM108 netlist shows that this is not a general problem with all pasted-in subckts.
The problem seems to be something to do with the copied and pasted version of the TL081EE subckt.
* Pasting in and editing a copy of the TL081EE and other in-house opamp or comparator subckts used to work.
Has there been a change to the way some character or string in the schematic editor that now breaks schematic parsing of the pasted in netlist?
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