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Problem parsing a pasted-in edited TL081EE subckt?
1110 5
andyfierman 9 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: Running a TL081EE simulation with a pasted-in edited copy of the TL081EE subckt is broken. Pasting in and editing a copy of the TL081EE and other in-house opamp or comparator subckts used to work. Please see: Steps to reproduce the problem. 1) Draw a schematic with the 5 pin Opamp and change the part name to TL081EE; 2) Copy the subckt for the TL081EE from the netlist for this schematic; 3) Paste it into this schematic; 4) Change the name of the subckt to make it different from TL081EE; 5) Paste in a copy of the LM108 netlist from: and set it to "spice"; 6) With the pasted-in TL081EE_edited subckt set as "comment", do: Ctrl+R then select "Transient" then click "Run" to run a time domain simulation. The sim runs OK. 7) With the pasted-in TL081EE_edited subckt netlist on the right set as "spice", do: Ctrl+R then select "Transient" then click "Run" to run a time domain simulation. The sim does not run and the simulation results window shows: *********************************************************** Circuit: untitled Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 doAnalyses: out of memory tran simulation(s) aborted ngspice-26 done *********************************************************** Doing: Super Menu > Miscellaneous > Netlist for Document > Spice... shows and empty netlist: *********************************************************** New Schematic .param pi = 3.141593 .func LIMIT(x, y, z) {min(max(x, min(y, z)), max(z, y))} .func PWR(x,a) {(MAX(ABS(x), 1e-313))**a} .func PWRS(x,a) {sgn(x) * PWR(x,a)} .func stp(x) {u(x)} .func log10(x) {ln(x)/ln(10)} .func SQRT(x) {(MAX(x, 1e-313))**0.5} .func INT(x) {sgn(x)*floor(ABS(x))} .func URAMP(x) {max(x,0)} .func POW(x,a) + {(((a-(int(a)))==0)||(sgn(x)>=0))*( max(exp(ln(uramp(x))*a),0) + + (2*(0.5-ABS((int(a))-2*int(a/2))))*max(exp(ln(uramp(-1*x))*a),0) )} .control quit .endc .END *********************************************************** The LM108 netlist shows that this is not a general problem with all pasted-in subckts. The problem seems to be something to do with the copied and pasted version of the TL081EE subckt. * Pasting in and editing a copy of the TL081EE and other in-house opamp or comparator subckts used to work. Has there been a change to the way some character or string in the schematic editor that now breaks schematic parsing of the pasted in netlist? Browser: Chrome Version 45.0.2454.85 m and Firefox 40.0.3 in Kubuntu 12.04 LTS and Win7 Pro.
andyfierman 9 years ago
I have posted another example: showing the same problem but this time with a 3rd party subckt (the Microchip MCP601) and not with a subckt I have developed. I found that the MCP601 subckt caused the same problem as my in-house TL801EE netlist because I was trying to answer amundsens' post: * This is becoming a bigger problem. Not being able to paste in a subckt means that I can no longer reliably post a subckt into a schematic, for example to quickly run a sim with a subckt that is not in our library. This is a problem for answering some user questions and also means that they cannot do what some of our example show that they can! Because I cannot past new models and subckts into our library as I could before the new website was launched, I cannot simply upload a new netlist and post a symbol to use it. Do you have any news on: 1. what is causing this pasted in subckt problem? 2. when access to uploading new models and subckt into the EasyEDA spice library will be possible? 3. any way for users to search for spice models? :)
dillon 9 years ago
Hi, 1. This bug is fixed at, will release it soon. 2. 3. are on the road. The coders are not the EE. It is a bit letter hard for him to follow. I have too many meetings
example 9 years ago
This bug is fixed and released.
andyfierman 9 years ago
Team, Many thanks! :)
andyfierman 9 years ago
For info: I've deleted most of the files in this project, renamed it to: and made it public so it shows what I originally started trying to do before the bug was fixed. :)
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