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Problems with library
506 5
Henrik Larsen 4 years ago
Hi, I have serious problems with the library today. My intention was to clone and edit an existing footprint. I had this footprint that I cloed to create a different width. So I added '0.1"', excluding single quotes but including terminating double quote. From then on everything went wrong. If the library cannot handle some special characters, the user interface should block these characters or at least return an error to the user. After having cloned this footprint with the invalid name, I could not work properly with the library anymore. Searches on similar names does not update the results, deleting the footprint with the invalid name says its deleted, but it sticks there. Cloning the invalid footprint to a new footprint with a valid name, does not appear after saving it. I cant tell you how much trouble I ahve had after this. I cannot get rid of the invalid footprint and I cannot create new footprints with a name that looks like the new footprint. Please fix your library and the UI. The private invalid library footprint is 'SIL-4 PCB EDGE 0.1"', excluding single quotes.
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
Seems like the newest version not available for desktops yet (6.4.14), will resolve these problems.
UserSupport 3 years ago
Any images or GIFs?
UserSupport 3 years ago
do you mean like this? ![图片.png](//
UserSupport 3 years ago
I got your point, we will check this issue Thanks
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
Yes, like that one. At the time of my error report: When I browsed the library database from the client, everytinhg responed quickly enough, but the data i got back was not updated for minutes. I tried deleting several times, but nothing happened on the database. I tried renaming several times, but nothing happened on the database. Finally I reported an error. Then a few days later, when I tried to look at it again, everything worked fine. Strange...
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