You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Progress bar for update PCB function not moving.
586 5
oil.field 4 years ago
Hello everyone, I'm working on a circuit in which I had to update the schematic. When I press update PCB. it detects changes with no issue, then when I press apply changes, the progress bar simply freezes at 1%. Note I also tried import changes button, got same result. I m getting the same issue when using installed Easy EDA and online Editor as well (using Chrome). please note also that this issue just happened suddenly, I already finished couple of circuits with no issue. Update function was working fine. I also noticed that the update function would work normally if i dont move any items on PCB layout, once i start working on the layout, then I start to encounter this issue I'd appreciate any help if someone came across this issue before. Thank you. Amr ![Easy Eda issue.jpg](//
jose.guarino 4 years ago
I am having the exact same problem. The only difference is that my update process reaches 57%, then it freezes. Help please
daxliniere 1 year ago
It's 2 years later, do we have a solution for this? My complex board is stuck at 1%. I hate the idea of having to redesign from scratch. 90% of this project has been PCB layout work.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Hmmmmm. Two questions and a suggestion. Has updating the board suddenly slowed with a recent change or has it been getting progressively slower as the design has progressed? Have you tried the same board using the Desktop Client? Pro is supposed to be faster with more complex, multilayer boards. You could try migrating (rather than importing) a copy into Pro to see if that speeds things up.
daxliniere 1 year ago
See this post here: [](<br> <br> Andy put me on the right track. (pun intended)
andyfierman 1 year ago
@daxliniere Glad to have helped. :)
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