You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Project Folders are now files missing
2381 7
Critter_Spike 5 years ago
I have 15 projects listed in my work area. Three of these folders are now empty..the schematics and board layouts are gone. This represents a great deal of work lost and it will have to be redone. Can these be recovered ? The project folders are shown, but when I try to expand them...noting shows...!!! Regards, Brendan
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please read the Tutorial about: ![image.png]( []( Please also see UserSupport's reply in: [](
Critter_Spike 5 years ago
@andyfierman Hi Andy...Thanks for getting back to me. I've been through the Document Recovery drop-down option from menu bar, but using the filter All Projects...the list is incomplete...the missing projects are not listed. I then tried the option to recover from the recycling Bin...and this listed one of the projects...but it was a blank schematic no result. This is not the same scenario as ...topic ....7beae15d94114affa199b6dd0af8bfb68 (second link) which I have reviewed. Can you suggest an recovery option..?
andyfierman 5 years ago
@UserSupport, Can you help?
dillon 5 years ago
@Critter_Spike  Can you print a full screensnap of your easyeda editor. Do you archive your projects []( ? We are sure your **15 projects are under our database**. So no need Ito worry your designs. Can you try to  [](
Critter_Spike 5 years ago
@dillon  There are three projects that I've "Expanded"...these are now empty folders.. ![Screenshot 2019-06-05 at 20.43.27.png](//
Critter_Spike 5 years ago
If I try opening via the Projects link...I get blank sheets..see example... ![Screenshot 2019-06-05 at 20.54.56.png](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi After check the database index, these tree projects no documents, and the project create time same as update time, that seems they are haven been updated after creating. please check.
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