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Protected golden fingers
304 10
stanislav.ganna 3 years ago
Hello to everyone , Please can you tell me how can I create that kind of protected golden fingers? I see here on picture green film protect upper part of golden fingers. ![image]( When I look at my PCB , I see green film but under golden fingens : ![image]( How to do that this green film will cover my golden fingers?
andyfierman 3 years ago
2 ways. 1) Route a short length of track straight out from each finger with the same track width as the finger. Then reduce the track width and continue routing the rest of the track. Or: 2) Create your own Footprint with each finger made of two pads the same pad number and the same width overlapping end to end.  Make the pad section at the track end shorter and set the Solder Mask Expansion of the section of pad equal to or greater than: -1*(the pad width) This will close off the solder mask over the shorter part of the finger and so cover it with solder mask.
stanislav.ganna 3 years ago
@andyfierman Do you know some example on Shared projects ?
stanislav.ganna 3 years ago
I got it ! I done like in first solution. Thanks Andy :)
stanislav.ganna 3 years ago
stanislav.ganna 3 years ago
stanislav.ganna 3 years ago
At my final result I see that is not really what do other people. If i do track with same width as finger its works but I see rounded corners (at the end of fat track). I think other people use second solution cause it keeps rectangle fingers with covered green film at top. I try but can not get effect with the second way... Do you have Shared project with example?
andyfierman 3 years ago
@stanislav.ganna, Why are you worried about the rounded shape? What problem do you think this causes?
andyfierman 3 years ago
@stanislav.ganna, Sorry, Small mistake (which does not actually matter but this is what I should have said: 2) Create your own Footprint with each finger made of two pads the same pad number and the same width overlapping end to end.  Make the pad section at the track end shorter and set the Solder Mask Expansion of the section of pad equal to or greater than: **-0.5***(the pad width) This will close off the solder mask over the shorter part of the finger and so cover it with solder mask. You can find my example in User Contributed: : ![image.png](// [!edbcea4d64b04b88bec4e548a80dc876](!edbcea4d64b04b88bec4e548a80dc876)
andyfierman 3 years ago
You could also try using the Teardrop tool to shape the track ends at the fingers: ![image.png](//
stanislav.ganna 3 years ago
@andyfierman Now with your sample i see better! Thanks Andy
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