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Question for a Beginner
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mark.c.beeman 1 year ago
Hi All - I am just getting into PCB design and have a question on this schematic:  ![Esp32-C3 Pico.JPG](// Component U2 is a voltage regulator ME6211C33 and the VOUT goes to a 10uF and 100nF capacitors between +3.3V and GND.  Now if you look at U1, the esp32-c3 pins 2 and 3 are connected but on the other side of the inductor L2 is the same arrangement of capacitors to +3.3V and GND.  The question I have is this:  when I try to reproduce this in easyeda, do I need this capacitor arrangement twice or once?  If just once, is it included in the schematic just in case you decide to modify one?  If both are required, it seems odd since they seem redundant. Thanks for any help! Fish
andyfierman 1 year ago
C2//C18 (where // means in parallel with) and C3//C4 are supply decoupling capacitors. C2//C18 and C3//C4 are only redundant if they are electrically close to each other and to the components they relate to, U2 and U1. Electrically close means that there are low impedance (resistive and inductive) paths between both their 3V3 and their ground end connections. Low impedance implies short wide tracks or better still plane connections. Please refer to the original equipment manufacturer's datasheets for their decoupling and layout recommendations. You MUST read and pay special attention to the schematic advice for support circuitry, power supply decoupling, PCB layout, routing and component placement for the esp32 device. Failure to do so WILL result in poor or unreliable performance. [http://espressif\.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32\_hardware\_design\_guidelines\_en\.pdf](<br> <br> Please also see: [](
mark.c.beeman 1 year ago
Thanks @andyfierman!  So for these decoupling circuits, what is best practice  - to use NetFlags/NetLabels to keep these together with their respective pins/components?  Create a separate net for each? Appreciate you educating me! Fish
andyfierman 1 year ago
To clarify: "C2//C18 and C3//C4 are only redundant if..." That should more clearly say: "A single pair of the original C2//C18 or C3//C4 can be used only if..." I would place both pairs and then not fit whichever parts are found to be unnecessary after board layout.
andyfierman 1 year ago
"to use NetFlags/NetLabels to keep these together with their respective pins/components?  Create a separate net for each?" None of the above. They are all on the same 3V3 and GND nets and, in EasyEDA Std you cannot give nets aliases. The 3V3 net is the 3V3 net at every node that it connects to. Just remember that C2//C18 are associated with U2 and C3//C4 are associated with U1. And place them accordingly, noting my comment above.
mark.c.beeman 1 year ago
@andyfierman got it...will do.  Thanks again! Fish
clispe h 1 year ago
It is not good to connect Shield and GND at the same time. I'd recommend checking the manufacturer datasheet and making the connections. Be aware that sometimes USB connector shields are used as PE(Earth)s.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@cxreload, In most applications with usb cables and connectors you will find that the connector "shield" pin(s) are indeed connected to the board grounds..  particularly since usb cables are not designed to carry the sort of currents that may be expected of a Protective Earth (PE) that you refer to. Sometimes the shield is connected to earth through a high voltage capacitor but that is usually for professional EMC compliance reasons and unlikely to be necessary for hobbyist use.
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