Would be really convenient for a box that would allow faster LCSC part placement. Goal of this is to allow the quickest search and placement of Parts
Minimum Feature:
\- Applicable to Schematic and potentially PCB
\- A text box would be placed in the top right area
\- User would place curser in box\.
\- User would paste an LCSC part number in
\- User would press Enter\, or click search\, of potentially even system would run search upon pate execution \(there could be some issue with this\, like what if they are typing it in\, what would happen?\)
\- Would require a direct hit of item\, not a "begins with" since the LCSC part numbers are different lengths\.
\- System would find part number and prepare it for placement\.
End result would be Click, Paste, Enter (or click, or non) Place.
Enhanced Feature
\- Lazy Loading List of results that would update as you type \(using "begins with" search process\)
\- Search list would show LCSC Part\, MFG item number\, and Description\.
\- Search would include ability to search by MFG Part number
\- Search would always find direct hits of LCSC Part numbers at the top of the list
\- Top of list search results would always be executed with "enter"
\- Ability to click a search results to place them\.
Existing approach is:
\- Click Library
\- Windows Opens
\- Replace previous search text \(Double click/Replace previous search\, or click X and click in the box\)
\- Paste item number
\- Press Enter
\- Click Part
\- Click Place
Existing process is Click, Click, Click, Paste, Enter, Click, Click. Existing process also has a higher cognitive load.
Reduction of clicks would be about 3 or 4. There would be significantly less cognitive load. Preparation of schematic would be significantly quicker.