You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
RED ALERT: New "Found Duplicated Component IDs" feature is massively buggy, causes incredible pain. Cut & Paste schematics at your own peril!
620 4
MadOverlord 4 years ago
Do this: * Select a part of a schematic you wish to duplicate. * Copy/Paste it into a different sheet. * Note that component names have been adjusted appropriately in the new copy (ie: R-1 becomes R-2, if 2is the unused open R- number. * Update the PCB. You will get a warning about Duplicated Component IDs. You have to let it rename them, because there's no way to see and adjust them in schematic view! Unfortunately, your PCB is now really messed up. It looks mostly OK, but now your new R-2 component has been placed where R-1 was! And the trace(s) that connected to R-1 have had their nets updated to connect to R-2! So to fix this (when you notice what happened), you not only have to move R-2 away and put R-1 back where it was before, **but you need to fix the nets on all the traces**! The problem seems to be: * Paste is not creating new component IDs when needed. It clearly knows enough to figure out it needs to change the component name, but it's not doing the same check for ID. * Duplicated Component ID repair is changing the ID of the \*older\* component\, not the newer one\. It's doing the exact opposite of what it should be doing\.
UserSupport 4 years ago
Hi Please save your new sheet first before copy and paste the circuit.
MadOverlord 4 years ago
While this workaround is good to know, this is still a major bug that needs to be addressed. Proper operation of copy/paste should not be affected by the save state of a sheet.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@MadOverlord yes, we will fix it next week. thank you
MadOverlord 4 years ago
TYVM for the fast turnaround!
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