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Raspberry-Like Mounting Holes
1176 2 6 years ago
Hi all, I would like to resemble a Raspberry Pi board. What I have problems to achieve are the mounting holes. These are NPTH holes with 2.75mm. The area around them with 6mm in diameter, there is neither copper, nor solder mask applied. So only the naked board. Is there a way to achieve this with EasyEDA? It would be great, if there were more possibilties with solid regions, not only polygons, but also circles. Or if there were the possiblilty to have basic geometrical tools (circle, rectangle, polygon), and convert them to NPTH, cutout, solid, pad, or whatever. Thanks, Gerd
andyfierman 6 years ago
"These are NPTH holes with 2.75mm. The area around them with 6mm in diameter, there is neither copper, nor solder mask applied. So only the naked board. Is there a way to achieve this with EasyEDA?" Place the NPTH holes with 2.75mm holes then enable and make visible the top and bottom the Solder mask layer and add 6mm diameter circles centred on the holes in the top and bottom SolderMask layers. **Adding** shapes to the SolderMask layers will **remove** the soldermask. But does the area round the holes really have to be free from solder mask? I understand the need to keep the holes free of copper but do you know what the reason for clearing solder mask is?
Reply 6 years ago
Hi, thank you for your fast reply! No, I don't know the reason for this, but the mounting hole specification in this document []( reads: "The mounting holes should ideally be non plated. Mounting hole land should be min. 6.2mm [and either isolated copper] or bare board (open solder mask)." And the original Pi PCB is designed this way (bare board), too. So I'm just curious how this can be achieved with EasyEDA. Regards, Gerd
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