You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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viniciusmay 6 years ago
Good morning how are you? I have a serious problem. When I make a connection between some PADs, the Ratlines insist the connection was not made! (as in the picture below). I already created another scheme and the error remained! Also note that if you save and reload a page, the Ratlines will already be disabled (which is correct since the links in those points have already been made); however, when making the other link among other components, these Ratlines reappear! I have to deliver a project tomorrow! Please help me! ![Deepin Screenshot_selecionar área_20180522075641.png](//
viniciusmay 6 years ago
The following image --> Linked the new trace, save and refresh the page! There are no Ratlines in R2 (which is correct !!!) However, if I change this trail, the problem comes back! ![Deepin Screenshot_selecionar área_20180522081104.png](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
@viniciusmay, For help on this, is this a project you can share publically or privately with support?
viniciusmay 6 years ago
Hi! This project is privately =/
andyfierman 6 years ago
If it's private, only you can see it so no-one else can help investigate the issue. Please see sharing in the Tutorial.
viniciusmay 6 years ago
It's a bug!!!!!
andyfierman 6 years ago
"I have to deliver a project tomorrow! Please help me!" We are trying to help you but if this is a bug then we need more information from you to help diagnose the problem. It is possible that this is something that is happening due to a specific set of circumstances arising out of your design as opposed to something that affects all our users. If you need to keep this project private then there are two ways to give Support sight of it. 1) Add Support at EasyEDA as a team member to your project or; 2) Download the whole project and email it to Support with a note referring to this thread.
andyfierman 6 years ago
In the meantime, it may help you read through and carefully go through the checklists in (4) and (6) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi If you close the PCB and open it again, the ratline whether if will disappear?
UserSupport 6 years ago
Issue confirmed, we will fix this. when you reopen this PCB it will disappear. thank you.
viniciusmay 6 years ago
"If you close the PCB and open it again, the ratline whether if will disappear?" Yes, it's true! I will test again, now! Thanks -=)
viniciusmay 6 years ago
The error continues! Look at this attached photo. There is  Ratlines  where there are no components! = / ![Deepin Screenshot_selecionar área_20180523135049.png](//
viniciusmay 6 years ago
Managers: can you verify my project? The project name is "Legacy" This project have the same error/BUG Thanks!
viniciusmay 6 years ago
After update / refresh the page, the "floating ratline", in left, has been hidden! It's very strange! The bug happens only to me?![Deepin Screenshot_selecionar área_20180523135949.png](//
viniciusmay 6 years ago
I figured out what's going on! It seems to be a "buffer" problem or something related to program memory. See in the picture below that the software blames error (cross between tracks), where there is no clue! However, there was a trail there just seconds before! I believe it's now easier for you to fix this problem =)![Deepin Screenshot_selecionar área_20180523142437.png](//
Guest 6 years ago
@viniciusmay, Your only public project is this one: [https://easyeda\.com/viniciusmay/transient\_simulator\_puc]( Your "Legacy" project are private so only you can see it. If you can share this project then please see: []( As pointed out to you earlier, if you need to keep this project private then there are two ways to give Support sight of it. 1) Add Support at EasyEDA as a team member to your project; []( 2) Right-click on the Project and select Download Project: ![image.png](// then email it to Support with a note referring to this thread.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@viniciusmay, Sorry: wrong login. That last post was from me. :)
UserSupport 6 years ago
@viniciusmay We can repeat this issue, we will fix it at next release, please wait a while. thanks
viniciusmay 6 years ago
So this time the coupper plan hid itself after the update page and did not sign the GND label (when it was visible)! What happens? I'll send the project to you via email, so you can analyze, okay?
UserSupport 6 years ago
@viniciusmay at v5.5.9, we fixed the ratline issue. I can't repeat the did not sign the GND label issue. please right-click the project and download and sent to me :
_oeneo_ jw 6 years ago
I sended in last hours ago! But i resends now! Tnaks! my e-mail is:
_oeneo_ jw 6 years ago
Sorry. bad loggin ! (I creat a new account too)
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