I've had this happen several times on different boards. It seems EasyEDA gets confused, as to where there are already traces on the PCB. This seems to only happen after many edits of the schematic, and hence the PCB. I've checked the schematic carefully regards the PCB and the already placed traces are correct. The usual fix is to delete all the existing traces between the ends of the ratline, and reroute the traces. This is getting to be a real problem for me. as I edit my PCB's a lot, to get them like I want. Sure seems like a bug to me.
As an example, I added a new wire between two pins of different devices, and when I updated the PCB, it shows 4 ratlines, one for the newly made connection, and 3 for existing traces that were not changed on the schematic edit.
Any ideas ?? Any way to look at a list of ratlines not routed yet, and get a hint there ??
EDIT: Saving the PCB, and closing, then re-opening EasyEDA makes no difference. Also, running in local mode on Linux Mint 19.