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RebuildCopperArea should happen automatically
628 4
Phil Koh 5 years ago
The RebuildCopperArea operation should happen automatically at logical points in the process.  I released a board that had inner layers, and I added some new vias AFTER drawing the inner board copper areas.  All of these new vias were shorted to the ground plane when I received the PCB, even though their nets were not GND.  I think if I had pushed "RebuildCopperArea" for the inner layer copper areas, this would not have happened.  However, since they are not the same net, it would be reasonable to make sure the software automatically Rebuilds these copper areas so the vias are not shorted.  I don't know why the DRC did not catch this, but I'm quite sure I ran the DRC many times before releasing the PCB.
UserSupport 5 years ago
You can use the hotkey SHIFT+B to rebuild all copper area. we don't support the rebuild the copper area, that will slow down the PCB layout. you have to rebuild them all manually. when the vias shorted with the copper , that should be catching by DRC checking, if you can repeat please share your file with public, we will help to check thanks
andyfierman 5 years ago
This Howto illustrates a couple of situations where it is definitely **not** a good idea to have copper areas automatically rebuild themselves: [](
Phil Koh 5 years ago
Understood, thanks.   I realize now that the real issue has to do with the question of why my shorted vias were not caught by DRC, which at this point remains a mystery since I was not paying close attention to my various settings at the time the board was released, other than knowing I habitually push the DRC option in the Gerber release button multiple times. At root, the question I'm naturally wondering is: why in my whole career using other layout software like Orcad and Cadence and Eagle have I never received a PCB with so many shorted vias?  Is there something about those software packages that would prevent me from making a goof like this?  I think the answer probably lies in something about the DRC check. I agree that combining optional copper-area-rebuild with a foolproof DRC is the better, more flexible solution rather than automatic copper rebuild. Best Regards
andyfierman 5 years ago
@pk14225, I suspect you had turned off the **Check Object to Copper Area** option in the **Design Rule** panel: ![image.png](//
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