You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
[SOLVED > v6.4.17 ] Rectangle Fill- and Stroke Color won't save @ schematic
635 9
vlrm.prjct 3 years ago
Ahoi, as the topic title says, the fill- and stroke color on a rectangle in a schematic won't save ( anymore ). Steps to reproduce: 1. Open a schematic 2. Add a rectangle by using the "flying" "Drawing Tools" 3. Select the rectangle and change the fill- and/or the stroke color 4. Hit "Save" 5. Close the schematic 6. Reopen the schematic =>  The color properties were not saved. Will always reset to the initial values to `#000000` and `#880000`. ![image.png](// Using EasyEDA v6.4.7 Desktop Version <br> <br>
andyfierman 3 years ago
Works OK for me in the online version: Stroke and fill colour is saved and is correct on reopening the schematic.
vlrm.prjct 3 years ago
Thank you for your reply @Andy, I tried this in different Browsers ( Chrome / FF ) but the bug exist there as well. To make sure that this does not depend on the project, I created a new project with a new schematic. With no luck.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@tmeschke, Do you only see this happening when you use the Desktop Client? If yes, which mode are you using it in (Team Work or Projects Offline)?
mrtom528 3 years ago
@tmeschke, A recent problem on the forum associated with updating schematics was solved by closing the project to force an update of the files. If the file is being saved correctly it may just need a forced update... \| Try right clicking the project name in  the left hand panel and choosing 'Close Project' Re-open the project and see if the changes are saved. \| Failing that, you could check the source code to see if the changes are being updated there, if not then they won't be saved in the file. Use File > EasyEDA File Source Scroll all the way to the bottom and the colours (#XXXXXX) should be visible in the code. (You could edit them here too if all else fails) \| Both the online version and the desktop client (6.4.7) work ok for me. \| Regards.
vlrm.prjct 3 years ago
@andy, @mrtom thank you. Tried this in both versions, in team-work mode. But nothing happens. It won't save. To demonstrate, here is a small sequence: [](<br> <br> <br> <br>
vlrm.prjct 3 years ago
Guys, Solved by clearing cache.Thank you, anyway. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@tmeschke, Good news. Can you edit the title of your Bug Report by adding [SOLVED] in front of it please?
vlrm.prjct 3 years ago
Guys, sorry , i reopen this issue again. It is not the right solution to delete the cache mentioned above. It is only a temporary solution. After logout and login the problem occurs again. I don't know what's happening, but I'm sure the local cache and API are out of sync. My ideas: 1) Look at the avatar, there are different names, the "username" or the "nickname" ![image.png](// <br> 2) Creating a schematic, add or change something, save and close them. After reopen this, it always marks as changed, but it isn't. ![image.png](// The point is, it is saved correctly when you look at the project homepage. But as I said, locally it is always wrong. The same problem but in another context:  [](<br> <br> Please fix this!
vlrm.prjct 3 years ago
Additional information: I tried this in an older desktop version of EasyEDA ( version. 6.4.4 ). And it works without any problems. It means this issue appears between 6.4.4 and the latest version 6.4.14
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