You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Removing unconnected copper outside of traces
457 1
shonshampain 4 years ago
Hi, I am an Easy EDA noob totally and have a question concerning using Easy EDA for very simple layouts. By simple layout, I mean that I am adding pads and traces and connecting them manually, that's all. When I look at the files generated, it seems like it is just cutting around the trace. So, for example, if I had a board with a pad in the middle, when I generate the gerber files it would create a cut around the pad. So the pad would be effectively isolated from the rest of the board. This is brilliant, but what I actually want is to remove all copper that is not connected to a pad or trace. I just want the traces and pads in copper, with everything else removed. Sorry for being dense, but I can't figure this out and would appreciate some guidance. Thank you in advance, especially for my lack of knowledge.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You have posted no images or link to a public project to help explain your question. Please read the forum topic marked as [Must read]: []( Also read: [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/How\_does\_the\_Connect\_Pad\_to\_Pad\_tool\_work\_\-JgQO0Ay7H](
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