You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Resizing of Edited DIP package
941 1
Johns_Drawings 8 years ago
This is the first time I have used Easy,EDA. I have generated a custom part based on a 14 Pin DIP package (a read relay with only 8 pins at 1,2,6,7,8,9,13 & 14). I "placed" this into into my schematic but it is about twice as big as the other 8 pin DIP that I already have. How do I re-size it? I have tried editing it and then re=saving it but it still comes back the same large size when I place it again.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi John, Welcome to EasyEDA. If it is this: `TRR 14 pin DIP` Then all you need to do is to open it for editing, set the **Grid** to `10`, set **Snap** to `Yes`, set **Snap Size** to `10` and then drag the pins by the grey pin circles to be on the grid at a 10 spacing. * Note that the grey pin circles **must** be on the grid. * If they are not then wires will not attach correctly. Reduce the outline to suit. You can set the **Snap Size** to `5` after that if you want to edit the outline to be on a half grid spacing. Rename and change the prefix to `RL?` Save. Done. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20161025/580f2f8d5943f.png
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