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Resolving Design Rules Conflict for SMD Round Nut Placement
424 6
logronoide 6 months ago
Hello everyone, I am encountering an issue while attempting to position the SMD round nut from LCSC on my board (also available in the JLCPCB library):  [https://www\.lcsc\.com/product\-detail/SMD\-round\-nut\_Sinhoo\-SMTWE2015MTJ\_C2928176\.html]( The design rule check (DRC) indicates a requirement of 0.152mm, whereas the nut's polygons have a solder mask of 0.050mm. I attempted to amend the Design Rules for the nuts to a clearance of 0.05mm, which unfortunately didn’t rectify the issue. I'm uncertain if this adjustment is correct. I seek guidance on how to resolve this, and understanding the root cause. Could there be a mistake on my part in utilizing these nuts? Project URL: [](<br> <br> Warm regards.
haidy_easyeda 6 months ago
<font _mstmutation="1">Hello, Thanks for contacting us and sorry for keeping you waiting.  In order to help you better, Could you please send me the error screenshots and project files?</font><span class="size"></span>
haidy_easyeda 6 months ago
Email Address:[](
andyfierman 6 months ago
@logronoide, Your link to the SMD Round Nut and to your project do not work so only you can see the part and your project to comment on it. Please see: [](
logronoide 6 months ago
@andyfierman Sorry for the broken links! I have fixed them, but still I will copy them here: [https://www\.lcsc\.com/product\-detail/SMD\-round\-nut\_Sinhoo\-SMTWE2015MTJ\_C2928176\.html](<br> <br> [](
andyfierman 6 months ago
@logronoide, I can see the part and the project now. Sorry but I don't understand what you want to achieve. Can you post a more detailed description and some pictures to illustrate what your aim is with this project?
logronoide 6 months ago
I'm aiming to design a solderless Raspberry Pi Pico board that utilizes spring plates along with SMD nuts. The Pico features four holes, and my goal is to affix it to the main board's embedded nuts. While I believe there's adequate space among the various components, I'm encountering an issue with the solder mask of the nut component, which is currently hindering my progress. ![solderless-pico-board.png](// The DRC errors are (see the screenshot). Also, at the right object pane you can see the Solder mask size: ![screnshoot1.png](// And my Design Rules here: ![screenshot2.png](//
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