#### Concise problem statement:
There is a problem with the `RAD` series of electrolytic capacitor package footprints.
Their pin numbering is reversed so that the `+` pin on the symbol is mapped to the `-` pin on the footprint.
* Other RAD footprints show same fault:
#### Solution:
The package pins on the `RAD` series of electrolytic capacitor package footprints need to be swapped.
#### Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Place electrolytic cap and a resistor from EasyEDA Libs into a schematic;
2. Connect resistor to cap, one wire to each end;
3. Apply net labels, `POS` and `NEG` to wires to indicate cap polarity
3. Assign a `RAD-248` package to the cap symbol;
![enter image description here][1]
4. Pass schematic into PCB;
Netlabel `NEG` connects to `+` package pin and `POS` connects to other package pin
![enter image description here][2]
Expected results:
Netlabel `POS` connects to `+` package pin and `NEG` connects to other package pin.
[1]: /editor/20161027/5811b39bd40ee.png
[2]: /editor/20161027/5811b45c59bf6.png