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Review of electrical and PCB schematic
658 5
Robin Rosiers 3 years ago
Hi, It's the first time I ever made an PCB design and I don't have alot of knowledge about electrical things, but I did try my best to make a PCB out of scraps from the internet. **Due to legal reasons I can't make the project public, so it would be amazing if someone would be willing to help in the private project.** The goal of my PCB: Controlling some optocouplers via an ESP32 and controlling an MDB-module. (this is the short version haha) So, starting with the MDB module, I used the schematic of Shadowlamer (found here []( ) And like just copied the components onto my schematic. I have no idea how to connect this to the ESP32, but I just used pins I could find... The ESP32 (which has WIFI) is acctually 'overkill', since I don't need/want the wifi on it. So I found a small schematic on the internet with an ethernet module and just tired to connect it the best way I could (No idea if it would even work tho). Then, we have the USB controller. This would be to program the ESP (also, no idea if this is connected correctly) The most important thing would be the BUCK converter. So there is a power supply from the 6-pin connector, which is 34? volts. (it's more than 24 and less than 48 lol). But the ESP32 doesn't work on that voltage, nor do the optocuplers do. So I kinda need a BUCK converter to lower the voltage. I found one, but no clue if the BUCK converter would even work. The schematic for the optocouplers does work and does not require inspection, tho it could be cool to know if there is any improvement possible!) So that would be the electrical part.... Then there is the PCB part. It should be a 2-layer pcb (if there are more layers needed, that would be possible tho) and as compact as possble. If passive cooling (for the BUCK converter) isn't an option, then we could add a fan to it, but it's not really what we would like to add... <br> <br> Since I've never made such PCB design and my knowledge is very little, it would be amazing to have some input about this! (Like what could be better or changed). Thank you so much in advance to read this and maybe help me out! Robin
andyfierman 3 years ago
Are you asking for someone who might be willing to be added to your private project as a Team member with Viewer or Developer access? Are you expecting this for free or are you willing to pay commercial rates for a detailed design review of both the schematic and the PCB? If you are willing to pay commercial rates then from your description so far, it may be cheaper in the long run for you to hire someone to do the whole design from a Design Requirements Specification that you write and give them. With the best will in the world, electronics is not yet reduced to the level of building with Lego bricks. Trying to sort out a patchwork of schematic snippets that may or may not be appropriate for your design may take much longer than asking someone to do a clean design from a well specified starting point.
Robin Rosiers 3 years ago
Yes, I'm asking for someone with experience to join the project and help out with it. I don't expect the help to be free, but would be much appriciated! I'm willing to pay for the service. If the design service would be cheaper to be created from scrap/from my current design, let me know. If there can be a fix price given, I might be able to do it that way (would be preferred)
deskpro256 3 years ago
Sent you a message. Might be of some help.
Robin Rosiers 3 years ago
@deskpro256 Replied! Thanks for the message!!
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! I also PM you if you are interested. There are many pro's here happy to help :-) "Knowledge is the key to success when it is shared and not kept to yourselves" Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
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