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Rigid-Flex PCB
595 0
Zunuran Nasrullah 1 year ago
Hi everyone. I have a problem and hoping to find a answer for that from this forum I am designing a Rigid-Flex pcb for wearable device. Its a 4-layer stack up. Top L: Signal, Inner L1: GND plane Inner L2: Power Plane Bottom L: Signal. Now this stack up is perfectly ok if we design rigid pcbs only. But my PCB has a flex portion which is between two portions of Rigid part. Its a 100X12 mm pcb with both sides as rigid and Centre portion as flex. My questions from this issue are: 1- How can i manage rigid and flex portions 2- I have seen in forums that 4 layer stack can have maximum of two flex layers only then how i can distribute my power and GNG plane in flex portion. 3- If anyone has already designed rigid-flex pcb in easyeda then can they share the source file here so that i can see how it actually works. I will be grateful of any sort of help from anyone. Thanks
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