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SCH Libs - place schematic with/wo spice model - howto identify components who need spice model
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wolfgam 6 years ago
Hello, assume i place several components in my schematics from EasyEDA lib with CTRL+F. Some of them have space models associated. Howto: \- identify later the components that have spice model associated\. \- take a look at the spice model description Normally i would assume to right click on the component and see an entry for spice declaration. With several components in my schematics it's difficult to identfy those who still need a spice model. regards Wolfgang
andyfierman 6 years ago
Please refer to: []( Note that schematic symbols with spice models associated with them have a small `S` inside the symbol. ![image.png](//
wolfgam 6 years ago
Hello, this did not answer my question. The question is: How to identify spice components  A F T E R  placement in the schematic. The small S inside the symbol exist only in the list of found components in the library fuction. So when you've placed several components, you cannot see which one is missing spice data! regards Wolfgang
andyfierman 6 years ago
@wolfgam, If you follow the instructions in the spice tutorial then you should not have placed any non-simulation schematic symbols into your schematic. But I get your point. There is no easy way to quickly identify if symbols already placed in a schematic do or do not have a spice model associated with them. If you have already placed symbols into the schematic and suspect that you have some that have no spice models associated with them then you can inspect the spice netlist for the schematic: ![image.png](// The spice netlist will contain some lines that are present in all spice netlists in EasyEDA like this for an empty schematic: `Sheet_1``.param pi = 3.141593` `.func LIMIT(x, y, z) {min(max(x, min(y, z)), max(z, y))}` `.func PWR(x,a) {(MAX(ABS(x), 1e-313))**a}` `.func PWRS(x,a) {sgn(x) * PWR(x,a)}` `.func stp(x) {u(x)}` `.func log10(x) {ln(x)/ln(10)}` `.func SQRT(x) {(MAX(x, 1e-313))**0.5}` `.func INT(x) {sgn(x)*floor(ABS(x))}` `.func URAMP(x) {max(x,0)}` `.func POW(x,a)` `+ {(((a-(int(a)))==0)||(sgn(x)>=0))*( max(exp(ln(uramp(x))*a),0) +` `+ (2*(0.5-ABS((int(a))-2*int(a/2))))*max(exp(ln(uramp(-1*x))*a),0) )}``.control``quit` `.endc``.END`If you have placed some passive components then the spice netlist will contain lines for resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage and current sources (and one or two other components that may have models associated with them). Any symbols in the schematic that do not have models associated with them will not appear in the spice netlist. Some symbols that expect to have `.subckt` models associated models may give an error message in the spice Simulation Results window (from which you can also view and copy the spice netlist (click the Download button then view or Select All then copy and paste into a text editor)): ![image.png](// What is needed is that all schematic symbols have an attribute that says if they are simulatable or not. The problem here is that this is not practical since there are only a few hundred spice symbols in the library compared to tens if not hundreds of thousands of non-simulation schematic symbols. It might be possible to add an attribute to all the spice symbols but given the priorities of the developers and that this whole question does not arise if the symbols are selected from the correct library as described in the tutorial, this is unlikely to happen. If this is important to you then you could post a Feature Request for it.
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