You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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himanshunagdev 7 years ago
Hi i am having problem simulating my schematic circuit.. can anyone help me to identify the problem an probably solve it, so that i can get the simulation result??? anyway thank u in advance..
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi himanshunagdev, There are two basic problems in your simulation schematic. 1. You have used schematic symbols which do not have spice models associated with them. 2. You have not provided the simulation with sources for the +/-50V rails. These are these issues commonly encountered by newcomers to simulation. To fix them, please refer to (3) in: * Also, please note that EasyEDA does not have an in-house model for the LT1056 and the Linear Technology model for the LT1056 is not compatible with ngspice (the FOSS spice engine that EasyEDA uses). In place of the LT1056 you could however use the 5pin_Operational_Amplifier model and change the **Model** from `UA741` to the` LF356EE` in-house model: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171208/5a2a523365436.png
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