You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
SImulation Timesout - Resource Warning
1374 4
steved 4 years ago
Simulation times-out with warning "Your circuit is too complex, we have not enough CPU resource". I'm simulating a very simple 4 NAND gate circuit with a transistor & some pasive components.  All components are from the standard defualt EasyEDA library. I get the same result whether I use the Cloud based version or the downloaded EasyEDA App. Can someone please shed some light.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please post the link to a public copy of your project. Please also ensure that you have studied the Simulation Tutorial, (3) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
"All components are from the standard defualt EasyEDA library" Please define which library you mean.
SimonShahin 3 years ago
Why is EasyEDA so inefficient—a simple circuit is 'deemed complex' and they refuse to simulate it (I've literally got the exact same circuit working on LTSpice): ![Screen Shot 2021-05-05 at 12.31.02AEST.png](// ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@SimonShahin, Please do not double post: [](
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