Hello! I am starting to transition from all THT to include some SMT components
I have a GND plane in my project and I can see in the PCB editor how THT holes that are tied to GND are connected to the GNC plane. (There is what looks like a + behind the hole)

All of my THT projects work great with this in mind.
however - now that I would like to add an SMT component, I do not see any visual representation of how the GND pads are connected to the GND plane.
When I use auto-route, EasyEDA does not present any errors, but I don't see anything visually that would make me think the ground plane is getting tapped into. I also do not see any vias that could be used for this purpose.
When I hover - the SMT pad turns white - along with the other GND pads.

How does EasyEDA handle connecting am SMT component's GND pads to a GND plane? Must this process be done manually? Must I add vias?
Or - is it working - and I just can't see it?