4214.5 3077 are too large ?
I use a smallest PCB pattern (5mm*5mm) .I'd like export this to the InkScape (or other vector graphic program).
But 4214.5 & 3077 are too large and this is unconvenient.
I'd like use for example viewBox="100 100 42.4 41.7".
(Excuse me for my english)
![enter image description here][1]
![enter image description here][2]
![enter image description here][3]
[1]: /editor/20170923/59c63dcbb51fd.PNG
[2]: /editor/20170923/59c63ddb67add.png
[3]: /editor/20170923/59c63dec44814.PNG
Can you advice me how solve this problem? (I am beginner)