You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Sanity check my first PCB design?
641 4
Gregg Reno 5 years ago
Hi all.  First time poster here and  first time using a schematic or PCB editor.  I'd appreciate any feedback before submitting my first order.  This is not for production, but rather just for me to learn how to go from a breadboard to a PCB. []( Notes: \- Designed to turn a regular old speaker into a smart speaker \- Track widths are \.3 mm\, except some \+ and \- connections at \.6 mm \- P2 is for future expansion\.  I don't know what I'll use it for yet\.  Maybe a distance sensor\. \- P3 is to drive a 5v WS2812 LED ring\.  Max is \.72 amps if using white at full brightness\. More likely to be half that or less\. \- Two layers Some questions I have: \- Is this a reasonable ground plane? \- Are my track widths reasonable? \- I have two tracks at the top \(one on each side of the board\) that seem a little wonky\. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks in advance -Gregg
andyfierman 5 years ago
Hi Gregg, Welcome to EasyEDA. A few comments. Don't use copper for text. Use the Silkscreen layer. Where is the connector for the speaker outputs of the amplifier? The amp is a module using the MAX98357 chip, not the chip itself. It would be helpful to anyone trying to review your design to make that clear and to fully identify the module and it's datasheet in the BoM information in the schematic. It is hard to review anything if the parts used are not fully documented. May I suggest that you read (2) in: []( as this will point you to a lot more info about good practice in schematic creation, the subsequent conversion of that schematic into a PCB and the checks that you should go through both before conversion of a schematic into a PCB and then before submitting a PCB for fab or even a review such as you are requesting.
Gregg Reno 5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.  I really appreciate it. I didn't know that text would be copper, but it makes sense now. I'll move that to the silkscreen layer, and also go through that checklist. The speaker connectors are actually on the module, which would be above the PCB.  The footprint I found had the 2 speaker holes (which would wind up on the PCB), but I don't want them.  But I couldn't find a way to copy the existing footprint and then modify it.  I couldn't find the right document to show how to do that. Good advice about documenting the module rather than the chip. Thanks again, -Gregg
andyfierman 5 years ago
"..a way to copy the existing footprint and then modify it. I couldn't find the right document to show how to do that." That's in the Tutorial under PCB Library. Basically, find and select it in the SHIFT+F **Search Libraries** tool then click **Edit**. There's much more detail in: (2.3) in (2) in: [](
Gregg Reno 5 years ago
Thanks - I was able to create a custom schematic and footprint using the instructions (Adafruit I2S 3W Class D Amp Breakout).
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