You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Saving a Schematic
1707 5
Pweide 8 years ago
I have various schematics saved but recently when I have opened them and tried saving it is asking to save as a schematic, now I have 5 schematics tabs, What am I doing wrong? Thanks and Regards
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Pweide, Sorry but I do not know what is causing this issue for you. I am running version 3.3.5 (03/17/2016) in both Chrome and Firefox (on a linux machine) and cannot reproduce the problem you are seeing. Could you try: i) **Document > EasyEDA Source...** then copying and pasting each schematic into a text file and saving each to you local machine (just to make absolutely sure you do not lose any of your work); ii) pressing the `F5` key to refresh your browser window and bring EasyEDA up to the latest version; iii) then try opening and saving a schematic. If this process loses any edits you have done before pressing the `F5` key, do **Document > EasyEDA Source...** and simply paste the contents of the text files back into the EasyEDA Source window and then save the schematics. Please post back if the problem persists.
dillon 8 years ago
It is an access control project? If yes, we have a bug at that on a short time, but it is fixed very quickly on the version v3.3.5
fredk 8 years ago
I have noticed that if you open your schematic from the "My Projects" page it always prompts to save as. The only way I found to avoid it is to go to the editor via the url then opening it from the project folder.
support 8 years ago
@Fredk, you find the bug. and we will kill it in soon. At present, you must open it via project folder. Thanks.
support 8 years ago
Fixed, please try it now.
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