You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Saving designs
943 3
WellSight 7 years ago
I am unable to save and reopen work. What EXACT steps are required or is something wrong?
andyfierman 7 years ago
Sorry but I cannot reproduce the behaviour of not being able to open or save any files. * Do you get any error messages? * What browser are you using? #### To open a file: Left hand Navigation Panel. Double click on a file: ![enter image description here][1] #### To save a file: Click on the tab for the file you wish to save to bring it to the front of the Editor window. Click in the Editor window. Do **CTRL+S** or **Document > Save** (or Document > Save As...) ![enter image description here][2] [1]: /editor/20170505/590b962683a22.png [2]: /editor/20170505/590b96ba7a31d.png
wzn1 7 years ago
Not Save in to local dir (C:\...).
andyfierman 7 years ago
All EasyEDA files are saved to the cloud. You can save files and projects locally via the the left hand panel `My Projects` right click menu. You can also save files using the: `Document > EasyEDA Source...` menu. The other option is to try the Desktop version of EasyEDA. You can find the link to it in the forum..
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如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在 打开保存即可。
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