You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Saving existing schematcis leads to "Network Error"
1066 13
asokolsky 7 years ago
I have existing schematics which I successfully saved in the past - "Panner DC Motors Schematics". Project is "Panner DC Motors Pan/Tilt". When I try to save schematics I get "Network Error" Message box. What can be do to troubleshoot the problem? Thanks
Stickboy 7 years ago
I have been having this same problem several hours this morning. I have been unable to do/save any work at all. I had hoped after getting back from lunch it would be ok. I've restarted, refreshed my browser, cleared my cache.... nada.
k1hop 7 years ago
Have had the same problem all day (since around noon? EST) and wrote them about it but never heard back anything. Sure hope I don't lose a whole morning's worth of editing a schematic! It is comforting to know others have the problem too (misery likes company?). :) My problem began in Chrome, but also flaky "network error" and other messages when using Firefox and IE. One message had to do with "error in redirecting." Surely something messed up with their servers or DNS.
mjarndorfer 7 years ago
I have been having thee same problem all afternoon. Tried the same things as Stickboy with no luck. Also have had issues with logging in and missing the shortcut icons toolbar located above the workspace.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Your files should all be at their last saved state on the EasyEDA servers. You will be able to reopen them (or restore to that saved version) when the problem is fixed. If you are still logged in, you can save your work at its current state by doing: `Document > EasyEDA Source...` and copying and pasting the text in the window that opens as a text file in your favourite text editor. (There are instructions on how to do this at the top of the window.) You can then paste it back in and click `Apply` when normal operation resumes.
mehfoos 7 years ago
Hey, it being free and powerful is really much appreciated! I hope this issue gets resolved quickly.
daveb1014 7 years ago
Hi, I'm still experiencing this issue since some time this morning. Is it fixed, or should I wait? I really don't want to lose my latest changes if at all possible.
daveb1014 7 years ago
Hi all, I'm still getting this error. I've at least found a way not to lose my work: if you go to File -> EasyEDA source, you can copy & paste the source code of your schematic into a text file and save it locally. Then, you can use the same menu option, paste over the top and click "Apply" to reload. Saved me having to redo my changes since last save.
Serjio 7 years ago
Greetings to the whole community. Such failures are increasingly confirming the need for a local offline version of the program .. It is necessary to reduce the number of factors affecting the development process of the PCBoards.
dillon 7 years ago
@Serjio @All It is very Strage, everything is OK for our system. we guess the CDN ( which protect the DDOS ), in problems. Will dig soon
k1hop 7 years ago
Seems fixed this morning (Monday) as I was able to save the edited schematic I was working on yesterday (still in my running computer browser window).
asokolsky 7 years ago
Yep! On Monday morning the schematics is saved with no problems. Lack of understanding of the root cause is disconcerting.
daveb1014 7 years ago
Working for me again this morning thanks :) See my method above for not losing your work if this happens again.
andyfierman 7 years ago
@Daveb104, Thanks for your note. There's now a note in Tips and Skill describing this process and file recovery options in a little more detail.
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