I have a schematic that I which to make a copy of and save into the same project.
* I know that the correct way to do this is to right click on the file name in the left hand panel and select "Clone".
* I also know that if I click on the file name in the in the Schematic and select Save As... then the user should be offered the option to save the file to a new project or any other existing project **except** the current one.
If I click on the file name in the Schematic and select Save As... then by default, I am offered the option to save it to the **current** project.

Pressing the Save button appears to show the file being saved:

and then that it has been saved successfully:

Searching for the saved file shows that it has not been saved anywhere!
* In Save As... please remove the displayed option to save the file into the **current** project. It is very confusing and does nothing anyway.