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Schematic capture delete node dont work
989 3
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
Hi, In Schematic capture, I cannot get "delete node" to work. After clicking a segment and right click a node and click delete node, nothing happens. I have tried in several different situations, and never got it to work in version 6.4.17.
MrToM 3 years ago
You cannot delete the node at the end of a wire if doing so would leave an invalid situation, for eg a single wire with three nodes. If you were to move the central node of that wire so as to create two segments each with a central node then you should be able to right click that node and delete it. Likewise you could also [now] delete either end node. _ In a nutshell...if deleting a node would result in less than three remaining nodes, (in the highlighted segment), then the delete operation is cancelled. _ Regards.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@maximumiq, @mrtom528, @UserSupport, I can confirm that in some schematics the right-click **Delete Node** does nothing whilst in others it works as expected. I do not understand what the conditions are to make the difference in behaviour. If I place two resistor symbols and connect a wire between one end of each with a 90 degree corner in the wire then I can delete the green corner node by doing right-click **Delete Node** or by double-left-clicking on it. I can add more green nodes by dragging on the blue nodes and then I can delete any green node by doing right-click **Delete Node** or by double-left-clicking on it. However in some schematics I can only delete a green node by double-left-clicking on it.  Right-click **Delete Node** has no effect. I have not been able to prove it but I think this may be a function of how old the schematic is: In a newly created schematic both right-click **Delete Node** and by double-left-clicking work OK; In an older schematic, right-click **Delete Node** does nothing but double-left-clicking works OK. The problem is that I do not know how "old" the schematic has to be. I have a schematic that was created on 210315 (note that this is after V6.4.17 was introduced) in which right-click **Delete Node** does nothing but when I copy and paste the whole schematic into a new project, right-click **Delete Node** works OK. Note that: * Either form of delete node is only valid and therefore only works for a wire that has **more that two green nodes** in it. * This is that same as saying that either form of delete node is only valid and therefore only works for a wire that has a total of **more that three nodes** in it including green and blue nodes. * Blue nodes cannot be explicitly deleted: they are only revoved as a result of deleting a green node.
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
@mrtom528, thanks for reply, but after years of usage of EasyEDA, I wouldn't report a problem when trying to delete a node if it would invalidate the line. The case I'm reporting is the most obvious. Namely to draw multiple segmens and try delete a node where there would be two or more segments in a straight line, or where I would like to remove the end of a multisegmented line having no component connections. @andyfierman, thank you for testing this issue :-) With earlier versions I have also seen the "delete node" to work sometimes and sometimes not - of course not with nodes invalidating the line. I didnt find a system in it. I havnt used the latest version enough to possibly see "delete node" function correctly, by any chance. My guess is that the right click dont correctly cache the mouse position at the point of right clicking so that when you later left click the menu item, the mouse position seems to be on "nothing" and therefore dont do anything.
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