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Schematic components are not matching with pcb footprints
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dogancoruh 5 years ago
I tried to split my schematic into different sheets but i decided to combine them into single schematic again. But when i tried to change component package from schematic and tried to Update PCB, It tries to remove the components and add them again so my pcb's layout resets itself... How can i match old components on pcb with the schematic ones? Please help :D
andyfierman 5 years ago
Your project is private so no one can see it to help you. This topic might be of some help: [](
jogagua 5 years ago
I have a similar issue with my project ([]( I had finished my board a few days ago (both schematic and PCB) Today I decided to make a change in the J2 connections. Now, when I try to do the "Update PCB", the SW wants to replace all the components instead of updating only the J2 connections. Could you take a look? Note: I use Desktop version (V6.3.22). I tried also using Chrome (Version 79.0.3945.88) with same result. Thanks, JG
jogagua 5 years ago
I just bypass the issue creating a new project and cloning the sheets and PCB to the new one. Regards, JG
andyfierman 5 years ago
In your original project, it tells you it wants to replace everything when you do Update PCB. If you then do Update PCB and it replaces everything, does it replace the Footprints in exactly the same positions? I had this situation on a project a couple of months ago and - except for the issue with the sub parts split across more than one sheet - the Update PCB action replaced but did not change the positions of the Footprints.
dogancoruh 5 years ago
I am a software developer... I think there is an ID number for each schematic component and PCB file uses that ID to map corresponding component. When you cut the schematic objects to a new schematic file, this id is being changed so when you paste it back to the old schematic, it says to remove and the new id one... Software must implement a support for matching components by name or something else...
UserSupport 5 years ago
@dogancoruh we will improve this at 2020 new version Thanks
jogagua 5 years ago
Hi, For @[andyfierma]( In my original project, the replace action changed the positions of the Footprints. For @**dogancoruh:** In my case I didn't change any component (no cut, no copy, no paste), just the connections to one of my connectors, so, I expected a full match with my PCB. I'm software developer too, as you proposed, I think the software should ask the user what kind of match to do, because if you make a re-annotate action, you might want to make a match by the component ID number. Regards, JG
dogancoruh 5 years ago
@jogagua i think your isssue is different than mine... My issue is about the invisible connection between schematic and pcbs... I fixed it by copying/pasting back to the main schematic, deleting all newly created seperated schematics, also i am using the desktop application and opened same project's non modified pcb file from web browser and component by component i placed them again by hinting the X, Y values from the old my pcb design that opened in the browser. So there is no solution for the issue at this moment...
dogancoruh 5 years ago
@UserSupport Thank you
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