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Schematic and PCB package not correct
1120 2
Jleith 8 years ago
Hello I having trouble with my PCB package for a COM-11405 7 segment Quad display The Schematic is correct but the PCB package is wrong. The PCB is a 2X8 and I need a 2X6. I can't find out how I can edit the PCB package. ![COM11405][1] [1]: /editor/20170127/588a53921000f.jpg Halloween Counter Jan 25 --- PCB John
andyfierman 8 years ago
You have assigned the package: `7-SEGMENT-4DIGIT-YOUNGSUN` to the display symbol that you have prefixed as `QUAD`. To edit the footprint, do: **SHIFT+F** then search for: `7-SEGMENT-4DIGIT-YOUNGSUN` This will find several footprint instances in `System Components` and `User Contributions`. Select the PCB footprint you want to edit: ![enter image description here][1] Then click `Edit`. Then save the edited footprint under a new name. Right click in the left hand column of the SHIFT+F window and do a `Refresh`. Your new footprint will then appear under `My Parts`. [1]: /editor/20170127/588a822d3f63b.png
Jleith 8 years ago
Thank you Andy for the steps. I made a new PCB Footprint for a Quad 2X6 and everyting worked out. John
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