You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Schmatic and PCB Outline from Module
715 3
MikeDB 6 years ago
I've created the PCB for my sub-module (or will have once I can put the SMT ICs on the back of the board).  I then Save as Module and have found it in the library.   But how do I create a schematic block from this - nothing seems obvious but that may be because I've been up all night :-). And also how do I create a PCB outline to go on the master PCB  - is that simply by editing the module and removing all the tracks and so on on it, or something more automatic ? Thanks again
andyfierman 6 years ago
"But how do I create a schematic block from this" The EasyEDA design flow is to start with a schematic and create a PCB from that. If you start from a PCB you have created directly without a schematic then you have no option but to create a schematic from scratch that matches it. The idea of the module is that you save it and then you can place it like any other symbol into a schematic or footprint into a PCB. If it is a PCB module and it has a board outline then you should delete the outline after you have placed it into a PCB. To create a board outline, you can use: **Tools > Set Board Outline...** ![image.png](//
MikeDB 6 years ago
Ok thanks - will give it a go.  Too used to how things were with my previous tool which my dongle eventually stopped working for many years after I stopped paying maintainence on it :-)
MikeDB 6 years ago
BTW, what you are describing is usually called a macro.  I think EasyEDA might want to consider changing the menu name.
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