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Script API 'moveObjsTo' exception
614 2
Pat Signup 5 years ago
I am writing a script to automatically place my footprints into a symmetrical grid, and all should be working except my api call is failing. ``` var COLUMNS = 3, ROWS = 3, FIRST_X = api('unitConvert', {type: 'mm2pixel', value: 4}), FIRST_Y = api('unitConvert', {type: 'mm2pixel', value: 4}), SPACING = api('unitConvert', {type: 'mm2pixel', value: 7}); var json = api('getSource', {type: 'json'}), column = 0, row = 0; json.itemOrder.forEach(function(gid) { if (json.FOOTPRINT.hasOwnProperty(gid)) { api('moveObjsTo', { objs: [{gId: gid}], x: (json.BBox.x + FIRST_X + SPACING * column), y: (json.BBox.y + FIRST_Y + SPACING * row) } ); column++; if (column == COLUMNS) { column = 0; row++; } } }); ``` I have retrieved the message and stacktrace for the exception caught by the try/catch statement wrapped around by the extension system. ``` message: "Cannot read property 'notCopper' of undefined" stack: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'notCopper' of undefined at Wr ( at zr ( at moveTo ( at a ( at Yn ( at moveObjsTo ( at at eval (eval at (, :17:9) at Array.forEach () at __userjs_20218__ (eval at (, :13:16)" ``` Whats going on? What is the solution to this?
Rodrigo Schramm 4 years ago
Hi. Any follow up for this? I am also trying to use "moveObjsTo" without success. Same error type: ``` "TypeError: Cannot read property 'notCopper' of undefined ```
Hi, I am also experiencing this issue.
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