I am very glad to get first PCBs from your service. The quality is excelent. So I intend to try develop some products with your assebly service. I read, that it is 10$ mount per PCB, if I use only Seeedstudio units. That is why I need to select their products in my new project. At this moment I got problem. When I search unit throwh "More libraries..." button, in dialog window I have no any filter for seeedstudio components. It is not a signle problem. The second is when I choose processsor stm32f405rgbt6, I saw its price in seeedstudio at your dialog window. But when I visit seeedstruio at their official site, I don't find any MCU of stm32 family at all. So I do not sure, I can order it throw your service succesfuly.
Please, tell me right way of cheapest assebling PCBs throw your service. My average projects will be at 300 pads
with best regards,