You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Sharing Components
4875 10
djeasyedauser 9 years ago
I have created a number of schematic+footprint components for my projects. I'm not interested in sharing the circuit, but I'm happy to share the libraries. I see how to publish and share the circuit design, but not the individual library components. Am I not understanding how to do this, or is this a feature to ask for?
andyfierman 9 years ago
Hi djeasyedauser, All symbols and footprints that any user creates are automatically shared and appear in the **SHIFT+F** search in the main library. In fact the only way at present to keep symbols and footprints private is to create them in your own private schematic and PCB sheets. :)
djeasyedauser 9 years ago
OK. Thank you.
zeke 9 years ago
It would be awesome if you could modify library components and then save them privately.
andyfierman 9 years ago
It's awesomely easy to do this. :) Please see:
Respecthelect 9 years ago
@andyfierman 1) There is no such library as "main." 2) Hitting SHIFT+F in the "EasyEDA Libs" (one assumes this is the "main" library?) takes one to the "Favorite Parts" Library, but offers no option to add a part. 3) None of this answers the question of how to add part to a Library. And in particular, how to add "ANTENNA2" to the "EasyEDA Lib" or any other Library? Thanks
andyfierman 9 years ago
@Respecthelect, When you click on any canvas (schematic, schematic lib, spice symbol, spice subckt, PCB or PCB lib) and do: **SHIFT+F** then the **Browse and search hundreds of thousands of components** window opens. You then enter some part of a part number or part of a component description into the text box and click the little magnifying glass icon. This searches the main EasyEDA library for schematic symbols and PCB footprints. I use the term 'main' to distinguish between this main EasyEDA library containing all except the parts in the **EasyEDA Libs** shown in the left hand Navigation panel from parts that appear in **My Parts** and **Favourites** (also in the left hand Navigation panel). Any parts that appear in your **My Parts** and **Favourites** are already in the main library. **My Parts** contains parts you have created from scratch or any that you have edited from those that are already in the main library, that are then automatically added to the main library. To create a part from scratch please see: If **SHIFT+F** returns more than one part you can refine your search term or just choose and then click on the name of the part that appears in the list. This will take you into the individual part entry. For many parts you will need to do this anyway because the part entry will often contain both the schematic symbol and the PCB footprint. If the footprint name is different from the schematic symbol then you will have to search for that separately (for example ANTENNA2 is the name of a schematic symbol but ANTENNA-CHIP3 is the name of the associated PCB footprint). Once you have found a part using **SHIFT+F**, if you click the **Edit** button then the symbol or footprint will open in the relevant editor. You can then edit the part and save it with a new name and description. This edited part will be automatically saved to your **My Parts** in the left hand Navigation panel. You can also double click on any part in the **EasyEDA Libs** and the **Through hole** and **Surface mount** lists under **General Packages** to open it for editing and saving as a new part. Such edited parts will also be saved to **My Parts**. It will then be added to the main library automatically. **Favourites** contains parts you have found in the main library which you then decide you want to have kept somewhere handy so you don't have to search the main library for them every time you want to use them. You add them to **Favourites** by clicking on the `Favorite` little heart icon when you have located them using **SHIFT+F**. If desired you can double click any part in **My Parts** and **Favourites** to edit them to correct a mistake or refine it and then save them back under the same name or to edit them to create a new part and then save it as a new part with a new name and description. To repeat: All parts you create from scratch or by editing existing parts are automatically saved to the main public library and they are searched for by using **SHIFT+F**. Please note that, to create and save a part privately, see: :)
Respecthelect 9 years ago
@andyfierman Great answer. Many strides forward. Another simple question: 1) How to ensure connections? Three-wires joining shows a nice dot, but what about parts connecting to wires and parts connecting to parts? Sim won't produce results and suspect bad connection(s)?
andyfierman 9 years ago
Do this explain it? part of: See also: :)
Respecthelect 9 years ago
@andyfierman Since those link to over a thousand pages of material, they probably do contain answers. Unfortunately, not useful answers, due to their broad scope. Thanks, though. I'll muddle along.
andyfierman 9 years ago
@Respecthelect, The first link in my post above should help answer your question about how to wire component pin to pin. If you have trouble getting the wires to join correctly and so the circuit to simulate, it is worth checking that snap to grid is set to on in the canvas. Also check that you are drawing wires from the Wiring Tools palette and not polylines from the Drawing Tools palette. The Tutorial is intended to give the basics in the first few sections whilst the Simulation eBook explains how it can be used to best effect. :)
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