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Shematic connections are not perfectly interpreted when exported to PCB
1438 3
koosjr 9 years ago
It seems that the traces of the schematic layout are not all 100% correctly interpreted when the schematic is exported to the PCB. I got many purple lines connecting pads which are not as per the schematic. I somehow get the feeling that it was caused by moving some traces on the schematic and the resulted in extra nodes created on those tracks - in particular on the straight pieces and on the ends which happened after one have taken some direction changes out. It is as if the nodes are not merged properly when the wire becomes straight. It seams that this reflects on the PCB in the purple connection lines.
andyfierman 9 years ago
Hi koosjr, * Can you make an example of this public for us to look at? * If you can identify a bad connection in the PCB layout, and you then go back to the schematic, can you check that when you move the component that appears to have a bad connection in the PCB, the nets connected to it move with it (rubber-band)? If the component moves but does not drag the nets with it then the component pins are not connected to the wire and so when you convert to PCB, there will be no connection between the component pin and anywhere else. In that case, there will be no purple ratline. * Have you re-annotated the schematic after you have laid out the components in the PCB and tracked them?
koosjr 9 years ago
Let me give you a simpler public board. The one where I have lots of problems are quite complex and have quite e few of these types of errors. You will see that in the schematic, the trace goes to pin 4, but on the PCB layout it reference to pin 5. I did check that my SPICE reference was numbered correctly.
andyfierman 9 years ago
Sorry but I can't see your board. Have you put it in a Public Project? Could you check the url? I can see: Which has some notes on it about wrong pins etc. I can also see:
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