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Show net names in schematic editor
969 1
mark222 1 year ago
This is so obvious I cannot believe this feature does not exist, but all my research finds no way to do it. Request: When a net is selected in the schematic editor, show the name(s) of that net somewhere in the UI (properties panel for the selected wire would be an obvious place). If there are multiple names, show all of them. From what I can tell, there is NO WAY to find the name of a network in the schematic unless (1) there is a user-created Port label, or (2) you select it in the Design Manager and it is highlighted. If you don't know the (generated) name it is impossible to find it in Design Manager without clicking on every single net which is not practical for large designs. Here is just one scenario where this is needed: I am auto-routing a PCB and I want to use the "Skip Nets" feature to prevent auto-routing of certain nets. There is a drop-list of net names to choose from for skipping: ![image.png](// Obviously I know exactly what net in the schematic I want to skip routing, but I have no idea what the generated name is. So I have to dismiss the Auto Router Config dialog and find one of the components connected to the net of interest, and see the net name on the PCB. Now I re-open the Auto Router Config and choose that net to skip. Then I do that again for the next one I want to skip. It is absurd. I don't care where or how (tooltip, properties panel, whatever) but make some way to easily show the name of a selected net in the schematic editor.
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, the functions you need are available on the Pro version. The standard version doesn't have this feature yet, so you can only find the network by looking at its name on the schematic.Thank you very much for your suggestion, we will optimize this aspect of the function. ![image.png](//![image.png](//
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