You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
2427 3
coconuts60 7 years ago
Hello, I've finished to route my board. Before to order my PCB, I want to be sure that the silkscreen is not integrated to the board. If not, tell me how to remove the silkscreen? Thanks.
andyfierman 7 years ago
If you want to have a PCB made with **no silkscreen (no component outlines, no prefixes**) on it then the safest way to do this is to generate the fabrication outputs in the normal way (using the **Fabrication Output...** button in the PCB Editor) *but instead of just submitting your Gerbers directly to EasyEDA, first download them*. * After downloading the Gerber zip archive, close the PCB order window. Then open the Gerber zip archive and delete the file ending in `.GTO`, and if there is one, the file ending in `.GBO`. These are the two silkscreen layers. Now, zip up the archive again. Rename the zip archive to identify that it is different from the original file with the silkscreens in it. Next, click on **PCB Order** at the top of the EasyEDA window: Upload your edited zip file. Add a note in the **Remark** text box to say that you do not want silkscreen on the PCB and that you have deleted the .GTO and .GBO layers from the Gerber archive. Proceed with your order. You could simply add the note in the Remark box without deleting the files but if anything is misunderstood, you may still end up with a PCB with the silkscreens on it. By deleting the silkscreen layers you can be sure that your board cannot have any silkscreen on it. * Please note however that there may be some small manufacturing code text added to the PCB.
dillon 7 years ago
Add a remark "Please remove the top and bottom silklayer, I don't need silklayer" , after order, please send an email to Way 2 If you know gerber files, you can downalod the gerber file and remove the layer GTO GBO files, then upload the zip file via
coconuts60 7 years ago
Thanks for your help.
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