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Simple AC circuit simulation
3186 3
cjohnson 4 years ago
EDIT: Wow, theta was set to 1. Sorry everyone, if you see a degrading AC power supply make sure to check your Theta value. I threw this in to Tips & Skill, because I'm hoping to learn something here. I've used LTSpice before, but it's been a few years. Setting up a simple AC -> logic level power detection circuit for 24-48VAC. The circuit we are already using works, but I'm going back to simulation to see if I can improve the noise we currently have in the circuit. Anyways, when I setup this simple analysis ![image.png](// I get an AC power supply that degrades over time, and I know I've got to be missing something simple but I just can't figure it out. ![image.png](// TIA
andyfierman 4 years ago
There are lots of examples of how to [configure voltage and current sources]( for Transient and AC Analyses in the Simulation Tutorial (3) in (2) in: []( :)
andyfierman 4 years ago
Note that for an AC Analysis you have to explicitly append `AC 1 0` (or whatever is appropriate for your sim) to the relevant voltage or current source in your sim. So for example if you want to do a Bode plot of output vs. signal input you'd append `AC 1 0`to the input signal source and just probe the output. If you wanted to do a Bode plot of power supply ripple rejection, append `AC 1 0`to the power supply source and just probe the output. If you want to do a Bode plot of reverse signal transfer you'd append `AC 1 0`to a suitable source connected to the output and then probe the input.
cjohnson 4 years ago
Thanks @andyfierman I appreciate the extra info here.
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