I am getting started with EasyEda. I tried building simple op amp comparator but I am not getting voltages as I would expect.
After running DC sweep for V1 changing from 0 to 5V in 0.1V increments I am getting the following:
1) Probe 4 voltage is just 0. Why? It is directly connected to +5V!
2) Probe 2 voltage is 0. I would expect 2.5, but considering that probe 4 shows 0, 0on probe 2 shouldn't be a surprise.
Even if I replace +5V point with a battery, I still can't get what I would expect which is when the voltage on the noninverting input is more than 2.5V output should be +5V, when the noninverting input is less than 2.5V output should be 0.
Could someone help me to build and successfully simulate this circuit? I would like to use MCP6001 op amp.
My circuit: