I tried running this simulation:
but it would not run.
There were no errors or warnings and it will not generate an LTspice netlist.
Just nothing happens.
I have tried replacing the switch, the pot, the two Jfets, the NPN and PNP transistors with parts from the EELib but the only way I can get it to run is if I delete all of those parts so that only the voltage sources and the Rs and Cs are left.
I have tried running several other sims that I have corrected for LTspice compatibility and that I know would run because they were successfully tested before V6.3.22.
Basically anything that has anything other than V and I sources and RLC components in it does nothing.
* The change appears to have occurred between V6.2.46 and V6.3.22 because I was trying to fix the problem described in this post:
where the sim was failing with errors when it was run with V6.2.46 but was at least trying to run and was generating error reports but not it does nothing.