I think I used the "555" that has a Spice model.
I really didn't understand how to check, but "555" is listed in the document.
I have "555 Sine Wave Generator" as a Public Project.
I want to use a 555 to generate a 1Hz square wave. I think I'm close but I can't get volProbe*
recognized by the simulator.
I calculated RC values for a low pass filter of 10K and 1uF with a filter cutoff of 15Hz.
Desired output:
1hZ output Sine Wave.
1. How do I "offset" the filter output to be zero based with a 1.0V amplitude?
In this case, I need to drop the sine wave so it starts at 0VDC and has a 1.0V amplitude.
2. Why won't the volt probe work in the simulation? I've tried different labels; no go.
Thanks, from a beginner!