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Simulation error (too big) despite no obvious error
919 2
tim04444 7 years ago
Hello, Has anyone come across the problem where the error 'Simulation is too long, maybe your schematic is too complex' ?? Link below The error box suggests to make the simulation less complex, not so long, less probes, etc. This cannot be the reason though because the error repeatedly returns even on very simple circuits (I tested a simulation using a circuit consisting of only a power source, resistor and ground). I have also tried the simulation mode on circuits previously working, and still the simulations does not run. I thought it may be the fact that I had run out of simulations for the current 24 hours (yesterday), but this has now reset and the new error message (simulation too long) only appeared after this (today). Any help would be very much appreciated - was looking forward to the reset ending and being to run the simulation again. Regards, Tim
tim04444 7 years ago
To add to this message, don't know why but the simulation is now working (no error). I definitely waited 24 hours for the simulation for the reset. Oh well. Back on track now. Tim
andyfierman 7 years ago
I suspect that the error message was another aspect of the problems that EasyEDA users were experiencing yesterday.
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