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Simulaton of Multi-sheet Schematic
663 1
egaudes 2 years ago
The general question is: can EasyEDA simulate a schematic that consists of multiple sheets? I've defined a simulation schematic consisting only of a voltage source and a probe, both connected to nets exported from the PCB schematic. The voltage source is also connected to GND. The simulation output does not display any waveform for the net connected to the probe. Instead it plots only the voltage source. The simulation report indicates that none of the nets or components of the PCB schematic were used in the simulation. My goal is to maintain only a single copy of my project's schematic for both simulation and PCB purposes. Any instructions that I've read/seen involve cloning and modifying the schematic to convert from one type to the other. Is there a way to reference or embed another sheet from within a simulation schematic? Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks
andyfierman 2 years ago
EasyEDA Std only supports simulation of a single sheet schematic. There is no support for hierarchical design. EasyEDA used to support multisheet simulation but for some reason this was dropped a few years ago. EasyEDA Pro does not support simulation but can import flat schematics (and symbols) in zipped .asc format and symbols in .asy format from LTspice. So you can do unlimited simulation in a local copy of LTspice (which runs pretty much seamlessly under WINE on Linux) and then import the schematic into EasyEDA Pro.
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