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Since V6.3.39, Arc tools are almost useless
1082 13
andyfierman 4 years ago
In the What's New release notes for V6.3.39 it says: * Change the ARC interaction logic, keep the center of the circle unchanged when edit the start/end point; Adjust the properties panel properties options In V6.3.22, I used the Arc tools to easily create accurate rounded ends to a rectangular cutout. I could do this because I could independently specify: * the start XY coordinates; * the end XY coordinates; * the centre point of the circle on which the arc lay; * the radius I could also specify clockwise or anticlockwise direction that allowed inside or outside segments of the arc to be created I could also specify the start and end angles of the arc with respect to the centre of the circle on which it lay. With V6.2.39 I cannot independently specify the start XY coordinates and the end XY coordinates. Now there is only the option to specify the start and end angles of the arc with respect to the centre of the circle on which it lay which means that if I change the radius, the start XY coordinates and the end XY coordinates change. Most people do not think in terms of Polar Coordinates and the Canvas does not support them anyway so unless I do some very complex trigonometry to work out where the start XY coordinates and the end XY coordinates are going to be given the centre, the radius and the start and end angles, it is no longer possible to accurately position an arc of a defined radius. I can do the same job by editing the points and Arc segments in the Solid Region tool but I particularly wanted to use the Arc tools to create a shape directly in the Board Outline since in one particular application in a PCB Footprint, the Solid Region set to No Solid was giving multiple DRC errors and I suspected that creating the same shape using a Board Outline directly would not. Please reinstate the Arc tools functionality of V6.3.22 or add a switch to allow different modes of use. Thanks.
UserSupport 4 years ago
hmm... From the feedback and my experience, our old arc tool it is very hard to draw board outline, I had spent half an hour to try to create a PCBlib, but it is hard to impelement the location and size as what I want. If use new logic, it is very fast to do that. we study EDA tools like Altium, they use Arc like this too. then we did change. this change will affect some operations, but we thought it will be better.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Maybe it's just that my mind works differently so being able to fix the start and end points of an arc and then being able to independently adjust the radius seems to obvious to me. I cannot see how to do that with the tool as it is now. Anyhow, I have a suggestion: The way that shapes inclding Arcs are handled in the Solid Region > Edit Points tool works OK for me. Why not make it possible to place a shape defined this way in the Solid Region tool on the Board Outline Layer? Or in the right-click options to convert a Solid Region to a Pad you add the option to convert it to a Board Outline?
UserSupport 4 years ago
At present, the board outline is seperated by track, arc, the solid region is a closed path, it is differenct. at the new pro version, we will define the board outline is a close path.
vogels 4 years ago
Hi, I also used the arc tool the same way as you did with the start xy and end xy and then adjusting the arc, the only problem for me was that the arc could not be 'flat' enough sometimes and that is possible now but it is still useless for me now. And I have no clue on how to make an arc between two points now and flatten it out a little. (just so you know you are not the only one)
vogels 4 years ago
(To explain my (/our? not sure if it is exactly the same problem) problem a little more) ![image.png](// Also: I use it mainly to route tracks and I don't use it for board outlines
martin 4 years ago
Strange, I find it works really well now. Set start and end, then adjust radius. Brilliant!
andyfierman 4 years ago
@martin, But isn't that because you are still using Version 6.3.22 (in which you could set the XY coordinates of the start and end points and then adjust the radius) and have not updated to V6.3.39 or later (in which you can no longer set the XY coordinates of the start and end points and then adjust the radius) as my Bug Report is about?
martin 4 years ago
Hey @andyfierman, that's what the forum says, but I ran 6.3.41 for the test. I think your issue is that you are no longer able to set the start and end coordinates once they are entered, correct? Seems to me there should be math to allow for that even with the current design. Anyway, tbh, I feel like the old arc tool was confusing, but I see how onemight feel limited with this new approach as well.
andyfierman 4 years ago
"I think your issue is that you are no longer able to set the start and end coordinates once they are entered, correct?" It's worse than that. It is no longer possible to easily accurately specify the start and end XY points when creating the arc, never mind once it has been placed. To locate the start and end points in the new tool the user has to first create the arc and then do trigonometry - which is not supported by the tool -to specify in terms of polar coordinates of the radius and the start and end angles, based on the centre of the arc, where the exactly the end XY points are. If the start and end points lie on some convenient grid and grid snap dimensions then it's easy to place them in the first place but if they are at some arbitrary points then it's an absolute nightmare to position them. Who wants to have to fire up a spreadsheet and start doing trig? "Seems to me there should be math to allow for that even with the current design. Anyway, tbh, I feel like the old arc tool was confusing, but I see how onemight feel limited with this new approach as well." Building a trrig calculation into the tool is just adding complication to get back to the original arc scheme. As I said above, EasyEDA uses Cartesian coordinates and what can possibly be simpler than just being able to specify that an arc starts at X1Y1 and ends at X2Y2 and has a curvature set by a radius value that in most instances can be quickly set by eye?
andyfierman 4 years ago
It even says that EasyEDA uses the Cartesian system in the FAQ! [](
UserSupport 4 years ago
@martin @vogels @andyfierman v6.3.43 add Arc Type at property panel, you can change the Arc Type to use difference Arc tool and drawing behavior
vogels 4 years ago
@UserSupport thanks a lot! I still have a question about the two point arc, if you need a really 'flat' arc you have to do some tricks because the two point is somehow limited. It is very easy to solve now, way easier then before since the center arc is a thing now I can just convert to that one to change the curve to without limits so I like both of the versions of this tool! But I am still curious why there is a limit on the two point, can you explain if you have time for that? (this was the same before, but this probably the same version) upper one is with the center point which can be unlimited 'flat' bottom one is with two point arc which is limited ![image.png](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
@vogels You need to set a small Grid size.
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