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Slot region missing in Gerber Drill file
325 2
cloos1 2 years ago
Hello, I have some doubts that the **Slot Region** function is well translated in the Gerber files export. In the first screenshot (EasyEda Pro 1.7.31 macOS) there are holes visible for a connector and screw mounting point. In the second screenshot \(Cuprum Gerber Viewer\) these holes are not highlighted in blue like through\-hole pins\. This blue layer is named Drill\_PTH\_Through\.DRL\. Is this a bug and the holes won't be drilled by the PCB manufacturer because they are missing in this \.DRL file of the Gerber files or am I missing something ? I have checked a gerber file that I exported earlier this year with EasyEda Standard desktop and my holes for screw mounting were included in the file Drill\_NPTH\_Through\.DRL Thanks! ![Screenshot EasyEda.png](// ![Screenshot Cuprum Gerber Viewer.png](//
UserSupport 2 years ago
Hi at present, the Slot region will be implement at Gerber_BoardOutlineLayer.GKO the PCB manufacturer should support this, JLCPCB support this if you want it at Drill\_NPTH\_Through\.DRL\, please use a Pad\, and set it Plated as No
cloos1 2 years ago
Oh yes, I see the regions in the Board Outline Layer in my Gerber viewer. I will make sure with my PCB manufacturer that they support this way of indicating slots and mounting holes. Thank you ![Gerber Viewer Slot regions in Board Outline Layer.png](//
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